Volunteers' Coordinator: Pauline Paines
Please enter your swimming membership number, tick the "I'm not a robot" box and click "Next" to sign-up for the Cambridgeshire County Championships 2025
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The Swim-Meet Volunteers' Sign-Up software allows volunteer coordinators to distribute a sign-up web address for volunteers to sign up.
Volunteers enter their availability.
The coordinator and volunteer receive an email when volunteers sign up.
All the replies are collated with various reports for the coordinator.
Multiple coordinators can have accounts.
Different options available to set-up the volunteer software to work as you want it to. For example, the host club could configure the system to allow the volunteer to choose and assign their own job at sign-up. Alternatively, it could be set up for the volunteer to only request a job and the administrator to assign the job. The administrator can always override a job allocation.
Swim-Meet is GDPR compliant. The Swim-Meet privacy policy is here. Data is stored securely, it won’t be given to anybody and the volunteer has the right to see what data is held about them and correct or delete it here.
Lots of extra features to help the process.