(Plymouth) SESW Summer Championships- Youths 2025

Saturday 03 May 2025 - Monday 05 May 2025

Officials' Coordinator: Nicky Vause

Polo shirts - SWR officials will be issued a free shirt if this is your first SWR event post qualification. If a replacement is required the cost will be £10, please indicate in the notes on the sign up page and you will be invoiced i.d.c.

New SWR expenses policy:
Mileage may be checked and verification may be requested before payment is made. Payment for mileage will be made at the agreed current rate set by Swim England South West and will normally be between home address and the venue. If the journey starting point differs from the home address payment will be made for whichever is the shorter distance. Officials who officiate at any of the Sessions will be entitled to Mileage Expenses at a Rate of 45p per mile from their home address to the Pool Venue and return, with a limit of one claim per day, regardless of the number of sessions attended in that ay. Officials should request an Expenses Application Form from a Referee which should be completed and returned to that Referee during the duration of the Meet. Officials who officiate for two sessions in one day will be provided with a light lunch.

Applicable to Youth, Age Groups, Championships or any event with consecutive days. Maximum claim 1 night per weekend or 2 nights if work 3 days. Officials must work all sessions over both or all days, Journey times must be in excess of 1 hour.
Claims for accommodation on the night prior to competition (e.g. Friday night) are allowed if the journey is in excess of 75 miles or 1.5 hours in time and the official works two full days.
Accommodation to be shared where possible. Accommodation costs will be considered for those who make a request when signing up on Swim Meet, and must approved in advance by the meet Promotor. Officials will need to book their own accommodation and make a claim for re-imbursement on the Regional Expenses Form and include the receipt for both hotel and evening meal. The maximum allowance is £90.00 per night for a single room including breakfast and car parking charges. Accommodation costs above this amount will not be refunded except with prior approval of the competition Promotor.
Evening Meal. This is paid for those who have approval for overnight accommodation. A detailed receipt MUST be attached to the claim form. If the receipt is for multiple people it must be clear which items are for the official. Maximum claim rate is £20.00 per night(alcohol cannot be included).

All trainee officials will be provided with lunch and are entitled to claim mileage expenses, subject to confirming attendance on Swim Meet. NB. Volunteers who fulfil duties requested by the facilitating club are not entitled to claim expenses, without prior approval from the competition Promotor.

Please enter your swimming membership number, tick the "I'm not a robot" box and click "Next" to sign-up for the (Plymouth) SESW Summer Championships- Youths 2025

Membership Number

Use the following link to find a membership number: http://www.swimming.org/members/swim-england-club-member-check/

Next Cancel

The shareable sign-up link for this meet is https://swim-meet.com/Availability/?m=4241.
The link for all Swim England South West Region live meets is https://swim-meet.com/OfficialsSignup/SwimEnglandSouthWest/.


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Officials Sign-Up

The Swim-Meet Officials' Sign-Up software allows club officials' coordinators to distribute a sign-up web address to potential officials.

Officials tick their available sessions, enter their details and any special requests such as mentoring for the next level.

The coordinator and official receives an email when officials sign up. The coordinator, lead referee, meet organiser and club chairman can see the live sign-up rate and any gaps are highlighted.

The coordinator can add the lead referee as an administrator to assign jobs to officials. Configure which jobs you want to fill depending upon long or short course and level of meet.

The job schedule along with the officials' qualification and membership number can be exported to Excel with a tab for each session to produce the tick sheet on the day and the meet report.

It is GDPR compliant. The Swim-Meet privacy policy is here. Data is stored securely, it won’t be given to anybody (except British Swimming to meet their meet regulations) and the official has the right to see what data is held about them and correct or delete it here.

Lots of extra features to help the process from feedback from officials, coordinators and referees.

Swim-Meet is recommended by Officials' Coordinators!



Wycombe District Swimming Club

The system is brilliant and saves me hours. I like the fact that I can make changes online and with full sight of what is going on throughout the meet.

Wycombe District Swimming Club Referee

Shropshire ASA

A great piece of software, it has made my job as officials' coordinator easier. Also, the officials signing up for the meet thought it was easier too.

Shropshire Officials' Coordinator

Cambs ASA

We are very pleased with Swim-Meet. It is a very good piece of software that supports volunteers with their competitions.

Cambridgeshire ASA Chairman

City of Norwich Swim Club

The system is great and really useful to gather offers from volunteers.

City of Norwich Swim Club Meet Promoter

Winchester City Penguins Swimming Club

The Swim-Meet software has made it so much easier to keep processes succinct.

Winchester City Penguins Swimming Club Officials' Coordinator

Poole Swimming Club

I thoroughly enjoyed using the Swim-Meet portal. The Swim-Meet software allowed me to stay in contact with all officials along with ensuring we were quorate across all sessions.

Poole Swimming Club Officials' Coordinator

March Marlins Swim Club

Swim-Meet software for officials has been great for getting officials to sign up.

March Marlins Officials' Coordinator

Photos of the officials are by Liakada Photography